English Model Paper for Class 10 FBISE

Important Questions and Answers for Exam Preparations

English Model Paper for Class 10 FBISE - SSC II

Pre-Board Examination

Ace your English exam with our comprehensive model paper for Class 10 FBISE. This blog post features essential questions and detailed answers designed to help you prepare effectively for your exam. From grammar and vocabulary to comprehension and writing skills, our model paper covers all the key areas you need to focus on to excel in your English exam.
Important Questions and Answers for Exam Preparations English Model Paper for Class 10 FBISE - SSC II Pre-Board Examination


Note: Insert the correct option i.e. A/ B/ C in the empty box opposite each part. Each part carries 1 mark.

Q1. Choose the correct option. Each part carries one mark.
1. If our manager wants to increase employ.........., he should praise our efforts more often.
A. Salary
B. Respect
C. Courage
D. Morale
  1. D. Morale

2. Pen is to poet as needle is to........
A. Heat
B. Tailor
C. Energy
D. Cobbler
  1. B. Tailor
3. ................ the pizza is a food foreign to the Pakistani palate, Pizza Hut tries to develop
a bond with Pakistani consume. Choose suitable transitional devise from the following:
A. In spite of
B. Considering that
C. As a result
D. In addition to
  1. B. Considering that

4. I believe that if you lower taxes so that people can keep more of the money they earn,
it will be an incentive for them to work harder. Infer the meaning of underlined word and
choose the correct response.
A. A reason to do something
B. A small amount of money
C. A tax
D. A good job
  1. A. A reason to do something

5. Boom! The explosion rang though the air, this sentence contains a......
A. Imagery
B. Idiom
C. Hyperbole
D. Onomatopoeia
  1. D. Onomatopoeia

6. .............. the reactions of the people with amnesia scientists are learning about the
process of memory of the brain. Choose the suitable option to fill in the blank.
A. To study
B. By studying
C. They study
D. They are studying
  1. B. By studying

7. Despite his illness, Inzamam was.......... in winning his team. Choose a suitable option
to fill the blank.
A. Disappointing
B. Useless
C. Vigorous
D. Instrumental
  1. C. Vigorous

8. Identify the complex sentence from the given sentences.
A. As soon as you reach the gate, you will have to turn left.
B. When you reach the gate take a left turn.
C. Turn left when you reach the gate.
D. Reaching the gate, take a left turn.
  1. A. As soon as you reach the gate, you will have to turn left.

9. You have several.......... to study in art appreciation class. Choose suitable countable
A. Students
B. Paintings
C. Art
D. Colors
  1. B. Paintings

10. I will search and find you........
you go. You cannot escape from me.
A. Anywhere
B. Somewhere
C. Somebody
D. Nothing
      1. A. Anywhere

11. Identify the adverb of manner from the given sentences.
A. My boss likes to have a monthly meeting.
B. My brother totally loves football.
C. Please put the boxes under the table.
D. The train moves quickly.
    1. D. The train moves quickly.

12. Choose the sentence with adjective clause in it.
A. The carpets that you bought last year have rotted.
B. My brother likes to play cricket.
C. My boss likes to have a monthly dinner.
D. Please shut the door.
    1. A. The carpets that you bought last year have rotted.

13. The scientists had to do an .......... amount of research on the project. Choose the
word with correct spelling.
A. Extraordinary
B. Axtaorinary
C. Extrordinary
D. Ecstraordinory

    1. A. Extraordinary

14. Which one of the following sentences contains the best synonym for the underlined
word in sentence?
Dr. Ali had a perforated lung.
A. Inflated
B. Shrunk
C. Inebriated
D. Punctured
    1. D. Punctured

15. When her school work got to be too much, Ali had a tendency to...... which always
put her further behind.
A. Procrastinate
B. Ponder
C. Dedicate
D. Rejuvenate
  1. A. Procrastinate


Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.

Note: About summary writing is a compulsory carring 6 mark while rest of the questions carries 3 marks. (6+4×3=18).

Fossil energy is another prime resource used for food production. Nearly 80% of the

world’s fossil energy is being used by the developed countries. The intensive farming

technologies of the developed countries use massive amounts of fossil energy for

fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, and for machines as a substitute for human labor. In

developing countries, fossil energy has been used primarily for fertilizers and irrigation

to help maintain, yields rather than to reduce human labor inputs. Because fossil energy

is a finite recourse, its depletion accelerates as population needs for food and service

escalate. Thus, cost of fuel increases everywhere.

Strategies for the future must be based on the conservation and careful management of

land, water, energy, and biological resources needed for food production. Yet none of

these measures will be sufficient to ensure adequate food supplies for future generations

unless the growth in the human population is simultaneously curtailed. Several studies

have confirmed that to maintain a relatively high standard of living throughout the world,

the optimum world population should be less than 2 billion. Therefore, from now until an

optimum population is achieved, strategies for the conservation of land, water, energy,

and biological resources are to be implemented effectively. Marinating a sound and

productive environment all over is essential.

i. Summarize the given passage. Also suggest suitable title to it. (5+1=6)

Title: The Challenge of Fossil Fuels and Food Production

Summary: This passage discusses the critical role fossil energy plays in modern agriculture, particularly in developed countries. It emphasizes that fossil fuels are a finite resource and warns that their depletion will threaten future food security. The passage concludes by advocating for population control alongside conservation efforts to ensure long-term food sustainability.

ii. How is fossil energy a finite source?

How is fossil energy a finite source?

Fossil fuels are formed from the decomposed remains of plants and animals over millions of years. Unlike renewable resources like sunlight or wind, this process cannot be replicated quickly. Therefore, the existing reserves of fossil fuels are limited and will eventually be exhausted.

iii. What is the effect of depletion of fossil energy?

What is the effect of depletion of fossil energy?

The depletion of fossil fuels will have several consequences:

  • Increased costs: As fossil fuel reserves dwindle, their prices will rise.
  • Reduced agricultural productivity: Farming practices in developed countries heavily rely on fossil fuels for fertilizers, irrigation, and machinery. A shortage of fossil fuels will hinder these activities, potentially leading to decreased food production.

iv. How can sufficient food supply be made possible for the future generations?

How can sufficient food supply be made possible for the future generations?

The passage suggests a two-pronged approach:

  1. Conservation: Implementing strategies to conserve land, water, energy, and biological resources crucial for food production.
  2. Population control: Reducing population growth to lessen the overall demand for food.

v. Give the SYNONYMS of the words that are underlined in the passage.

Synonyms for underlined words:

  • Developed countries: Industrialized nations, advanced economies
  • Intensive farming: High-input agriculture, mechanized farming
  • Depletion: Depletion, exhaustion
  • Escalate: Increase rapidly, surge
  • Curtailed: Reduced, limited
  • Optimum: Ideal, best possible
  • Marinating: Maintaining, preserving

Q3. (A) Write paraphrasing of the given stanza. (2)

Look them over, the wise and great,

They take their food from a common plate

And similar laces, they tie their shoes,

The world considers them brave and smart,

But you’ve all they had when they made their start.

Q3 (A):

Paraphrased Stanza: Observe them closely, the wise and mighty, Sharing meals from the same plate tightly, With similar laces, tying their shoes with care, The world admires them, bold and fair, Yet, you possess all they held at their start.

(B) Read the following stanza carefully and answer the questions appended to it: (4)

You can triumph and come to skill,

You can be great if you only you will,

You’re well equipped for what fight you choose,

you have legs and arms and a brain to use,

And the man who has risen, great deeds to do,

Began his life with no more than you.


i. What can a young lad do?

ii. How could a young lad be great?

Q3 (B):

i. A young lad can triumph and achieve skill. ii. A young lad can be great by utilizing his capabilities and making the most of his potential.

Q4. (A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the verbs given in the brackets. (4)

i. Shazia........... (get) up and went behind the screen.

ii. The girls............. (take) care to sit on the far side of the room.

iii. He............ (make) the cocoa, and set the table.

iv. A hotel beauty shop......... (stay) open late.

Q4 (A):

i. Shazia got up and went behind the screen. ii. The girls took care to sit on the far side of the room. iii. He made the cocoa and set the table. iv. A hotel beauty shop stays open late.

(B) change the four bold sentences into indirect speech: (4)

A crow said to a hen, “please sing a song for me as you sing very sweet songs. Let us sit

togetherin a garden and enjoy ourselves.” The hen said to the crow, “Do not disturb me as i

am busy in doing my work at this time. Go and have fun somewhere else”. “He said to hen, Do

not make lame excuses. Get ready and accompany me to the garden”. She said him,”

please do not waste my time. Go and take rest as it is very ho outside”. He said to her, let us go

the bank of the river and sit on a tree there”. She said to him,” Go and enjoy yourself as i

shall not go anywhere at this time”. He said to her,” let me help you finish your work.” She

said,” Do not make a noise here as my children will get scared. Go and do some work. It is not

good to sit idle without doing any work”. The crow got her point and said to her,” please

come to my place when you finish your work and i shall be waiting for you”. Saying so he

flew away.

Q4 (B):

The crow asked the hen to sing a song for him as she sang very sweet songs. He suggested they sit together in a garden and enjoy themselves. The hen replied that she was busy at that moment and asked the crow not to disturb her. The crow insisted that she should accompany him to the garden. The hen refused, telling him to go and rest. The crow proposed sitting on a tree by the riverbank, but the hen declined, stating she would not go anywhere. The crow offered to help her finish her work, but the hen advised him to do some work himself. Realizing her reluctance, the crow invited her to his place after she finished her work.

(C) Do as directed. (4)

i. She leaves for office at 7.30 am. (Change into negative)

ii. Karachi is a very big city. (Change into exclamatory)

iii. No other mountain in the world is so high as Mount Everest. (Change into affirmative)

iv. The beauty if nature is beyond description. (Change into interrogative)

Q4 (C):

i. She does not leave for the office at 7.30 am. ii. What a very big city Karachi is! iii. Mount Everest is higher than any other mountain in the world. 

iv. Is the beauty of nature beyond description?

SECTION-C (Marks 24)

Q5. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting clean drinking water to be made available to students in the school. (7)

[Your Address] [Date]

The Principal, [School Name], [School Address]

Subject: Request for Clean Drinking Water Facilities

Respected Principal,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to bring to your attention an issue concerning the availability of clean drinking water for students in our school premises.

It has come to our notice that the drinking water facilities provided in the school are not up to the mark. The water often appears murky and emits a foul odor, which raises concerns regarding its quality and safety for consumption. As you are well aware, clean drinking water is essential for maintaining the health and well-being of students, and inadequate access to it can lead to various health issues.

Therefore, I kindly request you to take immediate action to ensure that clean drinking water is made available to students throughout the school premises. Installing water filtration systems or arranging for regular water quality checks can be viable solutions to address this issue effectively.

I believe that your prompt attention to this matter will greatly benefit the student community and contribute to creating a healthier learning environment in our school.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Class/Grade] [Roll Number]

Q6. Write a letter to the police officer for issue of a driving license. (7)

[Your Address] [Date]

The Police Officer, [Name of Police Department], [Address]

Subject: Request for Issuance of Driving License

Respected Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to request the issuance of a driving license.

I have completed all the necessary driving training and passed the required tests to obtain a driving license. I have attached all the relevant documents, including my learner's permit, identification proofs, and proof of address, as per the requirements.

I understand the importance of adhering to traffic rules and regulations and pledge to drive responsibly and safely on the roads. I assure you that I will abide by all the laws governing road safety and ensure the well-being of myself and others while driving.

Therefore, I kindly request you to expedite the process of issuing my driving license at your earliest convenience. Your cooperation and assistance in this matter will be highly appreciated.

Thank you for considering my request.

Yours faithfully, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Q7. Write an essay on the given topic. (200 to 250 words). (10)

“ Advantages of libraries”.

Essay Writing: Advantages of Libraries

Libraries are indispensable pillars of education and knowledge dissemination, offering a myriad of advantages that enrich individuals and communities alike. These sanctuaries of learning serve as repositories of wisdom, fostering intellectual growth and providing numerous benefits to society. Firstly, libraries are treasure troves of information, housing an extensive collection of books, journals, periodicals, and multimedia resources on diverse subjects. From literature to science, history to technology, libraries cater to the varied interests and academic pursuits of readers, facilitating research, self-study, and lifelong learning. Moreover, libraries promote literacy and lifelong learning by offering access to educational materials and programs for people of all ages and backgrounds. They provide a conducive environment for studying, researching, and exploring new ideas, thus enhancing cognitive skills and critical thinking abilities. Libraries also play a crucial role in bridging the digital divide by offering free access to computers, internet, and digital resources. In today's digital age, access to information technology is essential for academic success and socio-economic advancement. Libraries democratize access to digital resources, empowering individuals with essential digital literacy skills and opportunities for online learning. Furthermore, libraries serve as community hubs, fostering social cohesion and cultural exchange. They host various events, workshops, and activities that bring people together, promote cultural diversity, and celebrate the arts. From book clubs to author readings, art exhibitions to educational workshops, libraries nurture a sense of belonging and camaraderie among community members. In conclusion, libraries are invaluable assets that offer a multitude of advantages to individuals and society. They are not just buildings filled with books but vibrant hubs of knowledge, innovation, and community engagement. By promoting literacy, lifelong learning, digital inclusion, and social cohesion, libraries contribute significantly to the intellectual and cultural enrichment of humanity.

English Class 10 FBISE, English Model Paper, Exam Preparation, Important Questions, Answers, Class 10 English Guide, FBISE Study Material, Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Writing Skills


Q1: What topics are covered in this English model paper?
A1: This model paper covers a wide range of topics including grammar rules, vocabulary usage, comprehension passages, essay writing, letter writing, and more, as per the syllabus prescribed by FBISE for Class 10 English.

Q2: How can this model paper help me prepare for my English exam?
A2: Our model paper provides a structured approach to exam preparation by presenting important questions along with detailed answers. By practicing with these questions, you can improve your understanding of key concepts and enhance your exam-taking skills.

Q3: Are the answers provided in this model paper suitable for all types of questions in the exam?
A3: Yes, the answers provided are comprehensive and cover various question formats such as multiple-choice, short answer, and long answer questions, ensuring thorough preparation for the exam.

Q4: Can I use this model paper as a mock test for exam practice?
A4: Absolutely! This model paper is designed to simulate the exam environment, allowing you to assess your knowledge and skills in English. You can time yourself while attempting the questions to mimic the actual exam conditions.

Q5: How should I incorporate this model paper into my study routine?
A5: It's recommended to use this model paper as part of your regular study routine. Set aside dedicated time to work through the questions and answers, focusing on areas where you need improvement. Additionally, revisiting the model paper closer to the exam date can help reinforce your learning.
