


Crack the Code: Your Ultimate Guide to Grade 10 Pre-Board English Exam - FBISE

Description: Engglish

Get ahead of the game with our comprehensive guess paper for the Grade 10 Pre-Board English Examination conducted by the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE). Ace your exam confidently with our meticulously crafted study materials, including sample questions, important topics, and expert tips tailored specifically for FBISE students. Prepare effectively, boost your confidence, and maximize your chances of success!

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FBISEClass: 10 F Time: 2Hours 20 Minutes

Subject: English (Subjective) Total Marks: 60

SECTION-B (Marks 36)

Q2. Read the following passage carefully and answers the questions.

Note: Question (i) about summary writing carrying 06 marks while rest of the questions carries 03 marks each. (6+4×3=18)

At the dawn of twentieth century when Pakistan was at formative stage, most Muslim women led secluded lives within their homes, and were not visible in public spaces. The name of Abadi Begum, popularly known as Bi-Amma, is on the top of the list of such noble ladies. It was Quaid-e-Azam who brought about a social revolution in the emancipation and empowerment of Muslim women. He repeatedly stressed the importance of women as equal partners of Men if the Muslims of India were to achieve the dream of a separate homeland. By mid-40s, a galaxy of women had emerged in the 

leadership role of the Muslim League, organizing and mobilizing women workers in the cities and also at the district level. As the Pakistan Movement picked up, the Muslim Students Federation and its women’s wing began playing an increasingly important role in mass mobilization, with girl students travelling even to the Khyber Pakhtunkhaw, a remarkable act given the province’s social conservatism. Begum Fatima, the founder principal of the Jinnah Islamic College for girls in Lahore, had played a key role in mobilizing female students. When the Parliamentary Board was formed in 1942 to negotiate with other parties for the formation of a government in Punjab, Jahanra Shahnawaz was made a member of it. The Quaid e Azam was invited to send a representative to the USA to attend the international Herald Tribune Forum in September 1946 in order to present the case for a separate homeland for Muslims. By early 1947, the Pakistan Movement had become a mass movement. By April, groups of women leaguers were touring the Frontier, for the Frontier Women’s Sub-Committee had asked for help from the Punjab women leaguers. Lady Haroon had toured the Khayber Pakhtunkhaw province as far back as October 1945, accompanied by a group of women that included Begum Hakeem, the president of Bengal Muslim League.


i. Write down the summary of the passage. Also suggest a suitable title. (5+1=6)


Title: Empowerment of Muslim Women in the Pakistan Movement

In the early 20th century, Muslim women in Pakistan led secluded lives, but the emergence of leaders like Quaid-e-Azam initiated a social revolution, emphasizing women's role as equal partners for achieving a separate homeland. By the mid-1940s, women leaders emerged in the Muslim League, organizing and mobilizing women workers. The Pakistan Movement gained momentum with women's active participation, including mobilization by Begum Fatima and representation in important negotiations. Women leaguers toured provinces, demonstrating their commitment to the movement and aspirations for a new homeland.

ii. How did Quaid e Azam empower and emancipate the Muslim women of the sub-continent? (3)

ii. Quaid-e-Azam empowered and emancipated Muslim women by stressing their importance as equal partners to men in achieving the dream of a separate homeland. He initiated a social revolution, advocating for women's rights and active participation in the Pakistan Movement.

iii. How did Begum Fatima, the principal of Jinnah Islamic College, mobilize female students? (3)

iii. Begum Fatima, the founder principal of Jinnah Islamic College for girls in Lahore, mobilized female students by providing education and leadership opportunities. She played a key role in organizing and encouraging female students to actively participate in the Pakistan Movement.

iv. Why did Quaid e Azam stress the importance of women as equal partners of men in the creation of  a separate homeland for Muslims? (3)

iv. Quaid-e-Azam stressed the importance of women as equal partners of men in the creation of a separate homeland for Muslims because he believed that without the active involvement of women, the dream of Pakistan could not be realized. He recognized the significant contributions women could make to society and emphasized their role in nation-building.

v. Describe the role of women in the Pakistan Movement, highlighting their love and aspirations for the new homeland. (3)

v. Women played a crucial role in the Pakistan Movement by actively participating in mass mobilization efforts. They organized and mobilized women workers, traveled to different provinces to spread the message of the movement, and represented their communities in negotiations. Their love for the new homeland was evident in their sacrifices and dedication to the cause of achieving Pakistan.

Q3. (a). Paraphrase any one of the following stanza: (2)

“Courage”! the morning – glory saith;

“Rejoice!” the daisy murmureth,

And just to live is so divine

When pansies lift their eyes to mine.

The morning-glory speaks of "bravery,"

The daisy whispers, "Celebrate with glee,"

And simply existing feels so sublime,

As pansies meet my gaze with love in kind.


Look them over, the wise and great,

They take their food from a common plate

And similar knives and forks they use,

With similar laces, they tie their shoes,

But you’ve all they had when they made their start.

Observe them closely, the wise and esteemed,

They dine from a shared platter, it seems.

Using identical knives and forks in use,

Tying their shoes with similar laces, no ruse,

Yet, you possess all they owned at the very start.

(b). Read the following stanza carefully and answers the questions given at the end. (4)

Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.


i. Why did the poet advise to hold fast to dreams? (2)

i. The poet advises to hold fast to dreams because dreams give life meaning and purpose. Without dreams, life loses its direction and becomes dull and aimless. Dreams provide motivation, inspiration, and hope, driving individuals to strive for something better and to pursue their aspirations.

ii. What does the phrase “hold fast to dream” mean? (2)

ii. The phrase "hold fast to dream" means to cling tightly to one's dreams, to nurture and protect them, and to not let them go easily. It implies determination, perseverance, and commitment to pursuing one's goals and aspirations despite challenges or setbacks. Holding fast to dreams suggests a steadfast resolve to keep believing in oneself and in the possibilities that dreams offer.


In spite of war, in spite of death,

In spite of all man’s suffering,

Something within me laughs and sings

And I must praise with all my breath.

I. Which thing laughs and sings in the poetess’s soul? (2)

I. The thing that laughs and sings in the poetess's soul despite war, death, and suffering is her inner spirit or resilience. It symbolizes the human capacity to find joy, hope, and beauty even in the midst of adversity.

ii. What are the rhyming words of this stanza? (2)

II. The rhyming words of this stanza are:

  • death / breath
  • suffering / singing

Q4. (a). Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the verbs given in the brackets. (4)

1. I.................. (write)the letter before he arrived.

2. He.................(sleep) for five hours.

3. They ................ (look) at their children.

4. All the boards.................... (wrap) out of shape.

(b). Change the FOUR bold sentences into I direct speech: (4)

“Where are you going?”said the merchant. I was coming to see you. “What do you want?” To earn my

bread by the labor of my hands. “Do you really want work?” said the merchant. Yes, if you have any.

Then follow me and carry a box from a shop to my house. “I do not see how I can do that,” said the


(C). Change given sentences as the instructions are given in parenthesis. (Any four). (4)

1. I wear new clothes. (Change into Interrogative)

2. I am looking for watch. (Change into past indefinite tense)

3. I have passed the examination. (Change into passive sentence)

4. This butcher has given the short measure. (Change into present continuous sentence)

5. He bought a camera. (Change into Negative)

6. The patient has taken the medicines. (Change into passive tense)


  1. Do I wear new clothes?
  2. I looked for a watch.
  3. The examination has been passed by me.
  4. This butcher is giving the short measure.
  5. He did not buy a camera.
  6. The medicines have been taken by the patient.

SECTION-C (Marks 24)

Q5. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about encouraging reading habit among youth. (8)

The Editor

[Newspaper Name]

[Newspaper Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Encouraging Reading Habit Among Youth

Dear Editor,

I am writing to draw your attention to the pressing issue of declining reading habits among today's youth and to advocate for initiatives aimed at promoting a culture of reading.

In an age dominated by digital distractions and fast-paced lifestyles, the habit of reading among young people is waning at an alarming rate. With the proliferation of smartphones, social media, and streaming services, many young individuals are spending more time scrolling through feeds rather than turning the pages of a book.

Encouraging a love for reading among the youth is crucial for their intellectual growth, critical thinking skills, and overall well-being. Reading not only enhances vocabulary and comprehension but also fosters empathy, creativity, and imagination. It exposes individuals to diverse perspectives, cultures, and ideas, broadening their horizons and shaping them into well-rounded individuals.

To address this issue, it is imperative for schools, communities, and policymakers to take proactive measures. Schools should incorporate dedicated reading periods into the curriculum, establish well-equipped libraries, and organize book clubs and reading events to instill a passion for reading from an early age. Community libraries and book fairs can provide accessible and engaging spaces for young people to discover new books and authors.

Furthermore, parents and guardians play a pivotal role in nurturing a reading culture at home by setting a positive example, providing access to a variety of reading materials, and engaging in discussions about books with their children.

As members of society, we must collectively prioritize the promotion of reading among the youth and invest in initiatives that make literature more accessible and appealing to them.

In conclusion, fostering a reading habit among young people is not only essential for their personal development but also for the enrichment of our society as a whole. Let us work together to ignite a love for reading and empower the next generation to become lifelong learners and critical thinkers.

Thank you for considering this important issue.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]


Write an application to your principal asking him to grant you school leaving certificate.

[Principal's Name]

[School Name]

[School Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Application for School Leaving Certificate

Respected Principal,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to formally request a School Leaving Certificate as I have completed all the necessary requirements for my academic tenure at [School Name]. My name is [Your Name] and I am a student of [Your Class/Grade] in your esteemed institution.

After much deliberation and consideration, I have made the difficult decision to pursue further studies at a different institution. As such, I kindly request you to issue me a School Leaving Certificate at your earliest convenience. The certificate will serve as proof of my enrollment and academic standing at [School Name] and will be invaluable for my admission process at the new institution.

I assure you that I have fulfilled all academic obligations and have cleared any dues or obligations to the school. I am immensely grateful for the education, guidance, and opportunities provided to me during my time at [School Name], and I will always cherish the memories and lessons learned here.

I have attached all the necessary documents required for processing the School Leaving Certificate, including my academic transcripts and any other relevant forms. I kindly request you to expedite the process and provide me with the certificate at the earliest to facilitate my transition to the new institution.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am grateful for your understanding and cooperation. Please feel free to contact me if any further information or clarification is needed.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Q6. Write a paragraph on the given topic about 150 to 200 words. (Any ONE). (10)

“How to keep our town clean” OR. “Health is Wealth”.

"Health is Wealth"

Health is often considered the most valuable asset a person can possess. Without good health, all the wealth and material possessions in the world lose their significance. Maintaining one's health should be a top priority for everyone, as it directly impacts the quality of life and overall well-being. A healthy lifestyle encompasses various aspects, including regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and stress management. Engaging in physical activities not only strengthens the body but also improves mental clarity and emotional resilience. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides essential nutrients that fuel the body and support its functions. Sufficient sleep is crucial for the body to rest, repair, and recharge, contributing to better physical and mental performance. Moreover, managing stress through relaxation techniques, hobbies, or seeking support from loved ones promotes mental wellness and reduces the risk of various health problems. Ultimately, prioritizing health not only enhances longevity but also enables individuals to lead fulfilling and productive lives. Therefore, investing in health is truly investing in wealth.

Q7. Describe some qualities of your school peon using appropriate/correct transitional devices (at least SIX) for connecting your ideas logically in a paragraph. (6)

Our school peon possesses numerous admirable qualities that make him an integral part of our school community. Firstly, he is exceptionally diligent, always ensuring that the school premises are clean and well-maintained. Moreover, he is incredibly punctual, arriving at school before anyone else to open the gates and prepare the surroundings for the day ahead. Additionally, his friendly demeanor creates a welcoming atmosphere for both students and staff alike. Furthermore, he is remarkably reliable, never failing to fulfill his duties regardless of the circumstances. Moreover, his dedication to his work is commendable, as he tirelessly carries out his responsibilities with utmost sincerity. Lastly, his humility is truly inspiring, as he never seeks recognition for his hard work but instead takes pride in serving the school silently. Overall, our school peon embodies qualities of diligence, punctuality, friendliness, reliability, dedication, and humility, making him an indispensable asset to our school community.

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