Direct and Indirect Speech: Examples and Practice

Mastering Direct and Indirect Speech

FBISE Class 10 English Practice


Enhance your understanding and proficiency in direct and indirect speech with this comprehensive practice guide tailored specifically for FBISE Class 10 English students. Dive into interactive exercises, examples, and explanations to sharpen your skills and ace your exams.

Rules and Principles:

  1. Understand the distinction between direct and indirect speech.
  2. Learn how to convert statements, questions, commands, and requests from direct to indirect speech and vice versa.
  3. Maintain accuracy in reporting speech while respecting changes in tense, pronouns, and other grammatical elements.
  4. Pay attention to punctuation and reporting verbs to convey the speaker's tone and attitude accurately.

  5. The examples illustrating both direct and indirect speech:

    Direct Speech:

    1. She said, "I am going to the store."
    2. "Please turn off the lights," he shouted.
    3. "Are you coming to the party?" they asked.

    Indirect Speech:

    1. She said that she was going to the store.
    2. He shouted for them to please turn off the lights.
    3. They asked if he was coming to the party.
  6. Mastering Direct and Indirect Speech FBISE Class 10 English Practice
  7. 15 more examples of direct and indirect speech:

    Direct Speech:

    4. "I love pizza," said Tom.

  8. "Where is my book?" she wondered aloud.
  1. "Let's go for a walk," suggested Sarah.
  2. "Stop making noise," the teacher scolded.
  3. "How are you feeling today?" inquired the nurse.
  4. "I'll call you later," promised John.
  5. "Don't forget to water the plants," reminded Mom.
  6. "I can't wait for the weekend," exclaimed Jack.
  7. "Would you like some coffee?" offered Emily.
  8. "We won the game!" cheered the team captain.
  9. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience," apologized the customer service representative.
  10. "I want to learn how to play the guitar," declared Lisa.
  11. "Why did you lie to me?" questioned Anna.
  12. "I'll be there at 8 o'clock," assured Peter.
  13. "Please pass me the salt," requested Dad.
  14. "It's too cold outside," complained Sarah.
  15. "Let's watch a movie tonight," suggested Mike.
Mastering Direct and Indirect Speech FBISE Class 10 English Practice
  1. Indirect Speech:

    4. Tom said that he loved pizza.

  2. She wondered aloud where her book was.
  1. Sarah suggested going for a walk.
  2. The teacher scolded them to stop making noise.
  3. The nurse inquired how he was feeling that day.
  4. John promised that he would call later.
  5. Mom reminded him not to forget to water the plants.
  6. Jack exclaimed that he couldn't wait for the weekend.
  7. Emily offered some coffee.
  8. The team captain cheered that they had won the game.
  9. The customer service representative apologized for the inconvenience.
  10. Lisa declared that she wanted to learn how to play the guitar.
  11. Anna questioned why he had lied to her.
  12. Peter assured that he would be there at 8 o'clock.
  13. Dad requested someone to pass him the salt.
  14. Sarah complained that it was too cold outside.
  15. Mike suggested watching a movie that night.
Mastering Direct and Indirect Speech FBISE Class 10 English Practice


Q1: What is the difference between direct and indirect speech?

A1: Direct speech involves quoting the exact words spoken by someone, while indirect speech reports what someone said without using their exact words.

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Q2: How can I convert direct speech to indirect speech?

A2: Pay attention to changes in pronouns, tenses, and reporting verbs. Maintain the meaning and context of the original speech while making necessary adjustments.

Mastering Direct and Indirect Speech FBISE Class 10 English Practice

Q3: Why is it important to practice direct and indirect speech?

A3: Mastery of direct and indirect speech is essential for clear communication and effective writing. It helps convey information accurately and improves language proficiency.


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